FIRST-PERSON: Integrity before God affects all of life

ATLANTA (BP)--These days can, and are, bringing many pressures on the Christian in their workplace. The economy is affecting many in adverse ways: loss of income, loss of jobs, bills unpaid, felt needs unmet and a financial future at best uncertain.

However, pressure is often self-induced. That is, we let our changing circumstances unsettle us, or put pressure on us. For the Christian, the changing and often volatile circumstances in our environment or our nation and even our world need not cause pressure on us.

David had incredible pressures on him. He was king over God's people, and he had many enemies both from within and without. He cried aloud to his God, who had promised to be his God in all circumstances. Knowing that God had promised to keep him in all his ways, David desired only that he have integrity before God. That is, that his heart would never shift from trusting God completely, regardless of the circumstances.

Here is his prayer: "... let my integrity and uprightness preserve me. For I wait for You...." (Psalm 25:21). Then again, "Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the LORD; I shall not slip. Examine me, O LORD, and prove me: try my mind and my heart. For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in Your truth...." (Psalm 26:1-3). Then David seemed to summarize his walk before God in his marketplace: "... as for me, I will walk in my integrity; redeem me and be merciful to me. My foot stands in an even place; in the congregations I will bless the LORD...." (Psalm 26:11-12).

David was far more concerned about his integrity before God than he was his popularity or success before men. He was more concerned that his trust for his life, his family or his future not shift from God. He wanted integrity before God. He wanted to please God and to serve God uninterrupted. He knew that this integrity would give security. David trusted that God would always keep his feet steady and would uphold him, even in the eyes of men. So he turned to God to help him, at all times, under all circumstances -- so his God would be honored.

In these uncertain times (in the minds of men, but not with God) we must keep our relationship with God FIRST. The person who truly does "seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33) will find that God will "add everything else to him...."

This makes for real peace in times of turmoil, real certainty and hope when so much seems to be changing and uncertain. God doesn't change! He remains in charge -- especially of the life that puts their trust in him, and does it openly in their home and their workplace. The one who puts their trust completely in the LORD, and walks in God's ways with integrity, will experience God vindicating his integrity, especially before God -- but also before those in the world who are watching him/her.

If there ever was a time when our world needed to see the faithful presence of God working in the life of those who trust him, it is now. May God grant us the wisdom he gave David to "walk in ... integrity" (Psalm 26:11) before a watching world.

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