May 19 day of prayer slated for Vacation Bible Schools

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--The Day of Prayer for 2002 Vacation Bible School is set for Sunday, May 19.

On that day, pastors are encouraged to remind their congregations of the important part Vacation Bible School can play in their lives of their churches.

"We encourage pastors to use this day as a time to commission VBS workers," said Becky Martin, VBS ministry specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. She added that other promotional ideas are available in the 2002 VBS Director's Planning Guide.

"It is urgent for pastors to see the value of VBS and hold up its potential to reach a lost world," Martin said. "The number of decisions to accept Christ made during VBS each year usually equal about 25 percent of the baptisms reported each year on the Annual Church Profile."

She added, "I dare say that since Sept. 11 there are more people who have heard about Allah than about the one true God. While the theme, 'Amazon Outfitters,' is fun, I think the rest of the theme, 'On Adventure with the One True God,' is the important part. I believe that God chose this theme long before we thought of it, knowing how important it is now that people have an opportunity to hear about him."

Churches can go to the 2002 VBS website prayer calendar at to add their churches to the VBS prayer list. Churches can also use this list to pray for other churches that are having VBS.

"We want churches to know that we here at LifeWay are praying for them," Martin said. "VBS is about much more than ordering the materials. It's about people coming to know Christ."

(BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at Photo title: VBS LOGO.

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