Janet Parshall to address Ministers' Wives Conference

ST. LOUIS (BP)--Janet Parshall, host of the "Janet Parshall's America" talk show and Focus on the Family's "Renewing the Heart" radio program, will be the featured speaker at the 2002 Ministers' Wives Conference June 11 in St. Louis.

"It's a time of fellowship, devotion and enrichment" for the wives of pastors, church staff members and denominational workers, said Nancy Sullivan, who chairs the Ministers' Wives Endowment Fund that has helped make the cost of luncheon tickets more affordable in recent years. Sullivan, who has been attending the event for about 30 years, is the wife of John Sullivan, executive director of the Florida Baptist Convention.

This year's theme is "Renew a steadfast spirit within me," based on Psalm 51:10.

Each year's luncheon follows the morning session of the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting.

Tickets are $10 if ordered before May 15, or $12 at the door. Orders by mail -- sent to Cynthia Thompson, 301 E. Broward Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 -- should include name, address, phone number, e-mail, number of tickets, a check payable to SBC Ministers' Wives Conference and a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Or interested wives may seek more information by calling (479) 751-4523.

Thompson, the conference's recording secretary and wife of Larry Thompson, senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Fort Lauderdale, described the conference as an opportunity "to celebrate our commonality."

She also noted, "When we encourage the wives of ministers, we make an investment in the local church and the pastors. When we give any encouragement to a minister's wife, we have brought encouragement to all the people she leads and influences."

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