$50M development plan highlights Southeastern's trustee meeting

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP)--Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary's trustees voted to adopt a $50 million development plan and expand campus facilities during their April 15-16 meeting on the Wake Forest, N.C., campus.

Trustees unanimously approved a recommendation that the administration formally request approval from the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee to conduct a multi-phased financial development plan to raise the $50 million total.

"We stand on the threshold of a special time in the life of our seminary and in our effort to train the next generation of pastors and missionaries," said Bart Neal, the seminary's vice president for institutional advancement. "I am grateful for the enthusiastic support and response that we have received from our board of visitors and board of trustees for this significant endeavor."

Over the past five years, the seminary has completed the first phase of the master plan which included the renovation of Stephens-Mackie Hall for faculty offices, the renovation of Goldston Hall for student apartments, the updating of Adams Hall, which houses seminary classrooms, and the construction of the Jacumin-Simpson Missions Center.

The expansion will continue at Southeastern with the trustees' vote to develop plans for a new 40,000-square-foot multi-purpose student center.

The Ledford Center, which currently houses student services, will be renovated to provide 50,000 square feet of space for physical fitness and recreation facilities.

The two-story student center will house a dining facility, kitchen, health and counseling services, coffee/ice cream shop and a computer lab for students.

The construction of the student building will begin phase 2 of the campus master plan, the expansion of the west side of campus.

"I believe in the mission and vision of Southeastern and I am dedicated to supporting the expansion of the institution," said trustee Jim Goldston, Raleigh, N.C. "I believe the possibility of this expansion will bring more students to our campus and more students on our campus will broaden our influence in the future churches."

President Paige Patterson told the trustees the seminary must prepare for the future by accommodating the growth of the institution.

"Our churches are calling out the called," Patterson said. "'Until Jesus comes' is not just a slogan. It is our way of life. If he tarries, many thousands more will answer the call and come for training. We must be prepared with scholarship and a passion for reaching the lost, and we must be prepared with endowment and buildings and financial aid."

In his presidential address, Patterson spoke favorably of the recent visit from the Association of Theological Schools and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Patterson informed the board that the Association of Theological Schools has reaffirmed accreditation for the seminary for 10 more years.

The board elected Robert Cole as assistant professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages. David S. Hogg was introduced as assistant professor of church history under presidential appointment. Promotions included Gary A. Galeotti from professor of Old Testament to senior professor of Old Testament, Maurice A. Robinson from professor of New Testament to senior professor of New Testament, John H. Sailhamer from professor of Old Testament and Hebrew to senior professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, and N. Allan Moseley from associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew to professor of Old Testament and Hebrew.

The board of trustees also approved eight new classes. In the college, American Religious History, American Constitutional Development, United States History since 1945 and Conditioning for Health will be added. New courses in the seminary included Practicum in Sports Evangelism and Reaching the Radically Unchurched in America and doctoral seminars in New Testament Ethics and in Current Issues in New Testament Study.

In other business:

-- Trustees voted to increase faculty and staff salaries by 3 percent each.

-- The board approved a record budget of $17,637,907 for the 2002-2003 fiscal year, a 4.73 percent increase over the current year's budget.

-- The board approved four new student endowments.

-- Approval was granted for the demolition of the existing Ruby Reid Center and former cafeteria building in preparation for the new student center.

-- Student enrollment was reported at an all-time high at 2,225.

(BP) photo posted in the BP Photo Library at http://www.bpnews.net. Photo title: CHARTING A COURSE.

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