Accreditation notations resolved, Midwestern Seminary announces

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has received word from the Association of Theological Schools that two notations which had been in place since before 1996 have been removed from Midwestern’s accreditation.

“All notations by ATS have now been lifted,” said Jim Cogdill, academic dean at the Kansas City, Mo., seminary. “We are thankful for the report so that our students can know their degree is fully accredited.”

The notations were regarding evaluative procedures and future financial planning. Reports prepared by Cogdill and Michael Whitehead, Midwestern’s vice president for business affairs, showed the seminary had implemented procedures addressing all the ATS concerns. The ATS Commission on Accrediting met in January and accepted the seminary’s report.

Cogdill expressed appreciation to Robert Vaughn, assistant professor of Christian education at Midwestern, for his assistance in preparing the final report and for the assistance of Michael Gilligan and Kathryn Amos of ATS’ staff.

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