New NAMB conference offers tools for developing ‘on-mission’ ch

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP)--The North American Mission Board’s recent emphasis on developing “on-mission” individuals and churches will continue this summer with the revamped “On Mission ’99” conference at Ridgecrest (N.C.) Conference Center June 26-July 2.

The conference builds on last year’s inaugural “On Mission ’98” event, with separate tracks directly targeting the needs of local churches and their leaders.

“The power and potential for reaching North America is in the local church,” said Nate Adams, NAMB’s vice president for mobilization and mission education. “What we’ve really tried to do is structure the conference the way a church would think about reaching its world, not just the way program leaders of the denomination would think about reaching the world.”

The eight tracks of the conference -- most of which relate to specific leadership positions in the church -- will emphasize worship, education, students, member mobilization, evangelism, church starting, prayer and growing an on-mission church.

Joint worship services will unite church leadership teams and families in their shared mission of reaching the world for Christ. Speakers will include Robert E. “Bob” Reccord, NAMB president; Henry Blackaby, co-author of “Experiencing God;” Gary Frost, pastor of Rising Star Baptist Church, Youngstown, Ohio; Mike Hamlet, pastor of First Baptist Church, North Spartanburg, S.C.; and Doug Munton, pastor of First Baptist Church, O’Fallon, Ill.

The weekend sessions will be focused primarily on worship and inspiration, with Reccord and Blackaby leading the worship sessions. Monday will be largely free for family time and recreational activities, and Tuesday through Thursday will include morning Bible studies, small-group workshops and evening worship services.

The conference encompasses the full spectrum of being an on-mission Christian, from reaching one’s next-door neighbor to helping reach individuals across the globe.

“The idea is that a church shouldn’t think about missions as either/or, North America or the world,” Adams said. “Every church should have a ‘Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and uttermost parts’ mentality. So when you start talking about an on-mission church … the focus isn’t just the work of the missionaries, but the focus becomes the church’s task of reaching people locally, nationally and worldwide.”

Separate programs also will be offered for spouses, youth and children.

The conference fee is $79 for individuals -- with discounts for multiple registrants from the same church reaching as low as $39 if registered before March 31. Added to this would be lodging costs at the Ridgecrest Conference Center. Additional family members may register for $20 each. For more information, visit the Internet website or call 1-800-588-7222.

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