Ellsworth to speak on revival at Founders Fellowship Breakfast

PHOENIX (BP)--"Revival: Do Something Special" will be featured speaker Roger Ellsworth's theme at the Founders Fellowship Breakfast June 17 in Phoenix.

Ellsworth is pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Benton, Ill., and author of several books.

The 7 a.m. Tuesday breakfast, held annually in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention, is sponsored by Founders Ministries, an organization founded in 1982 for the perpetuation of historic Calvinism doctrines within the Southern Baptist Convention often referred to as "the doctrines of grace."

The breakfast will be held in the Wyndham Hotel (formerly Crowne Plaza), in the Hopi A/B room on level two.

A full breakfast will be served, at a cost of $12 per person. Inquiries may be phoned to (239) 772-1400. Registration deadline for the breakfast is May 31.

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