Author explores facets of ‘Intentional Living’ for God

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP)--How do believers live out their daily lives with an awareness of God’s highest purpose?

Author and publisher Andrea Mullins explored the question based on the seven key aspects of a missional lifestyle -- spirituality, Scripture study, worldview, relationships, communication, ministry and leadership -– in one of the many breakout sessions during the Discover the Joy of Missions WMU Conference and Missions Weekender, Sept. 28–Oct. 2, at LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center.

Mullins is the author of “Intentional Living: Choosing to Live for God’s Purposes” and publisher for the New Hope book division of Woman’s Missionary Union.

To live intentionally for God’s purposes, Mullins said Christians must first embrace God’s character, which speaks to the spirituality facet of a missional lifestyle.

“Knowing God is a lifetime journey of prayer, Bible study, and obedience to become more like God, which is not just a suggestion, but a requirement of all Christ followers,” Mullins said.

Next, Christians must try to think with God’s mind and understand His purpose for the world as revealed in studying the Bible. “From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is the story of God’s mission ... how He is working and what He has done,” Mullins said. “God never leaves us wondering what our life is to be about as believers in Christ. It’s revealed in His Word.”

To expand one’s worldview, the third aspect of missional living is to see through God’s eyes, Mullins said. “I believe God wants to revolutionize our worldview,” she declared. “You and I look at the world with human eyes, but when God looks at the world, He sees those who know Him and those who need to know Him.”

When Christians ask the Lord to open their eyes to see the people of the world with love and compassion as He sees them, Mullins said it leads to loving others with God’s heart and crossing different kinds of barriers to build relationships.

In crossing barriers and building relationships, believers’ lives and words communicate Christ and tell God’s story, Mullins said. “Many times we don’t share Christ with others because we think that our story isn’t interesting, we are intimidated, or we are sure they aren’t interested,” Mullins said. “But people are just waiting for you to share. How do you become bolder? Share your faith in Christ actively and often.”

Finally, on the facets of ministry and leadership in a missional lifestyle, Mullins encouraged participants to serve according to the unique gifts and call that each of them receives from God. “He has equipped you to do things that you could never do on your own,” she said. “He wants to take you out of the place where you feel secure. You must rely on Him and allow Him to work through you.”

On the subject of leadership, Mullins defined the word as “influence that leads others toward God and His purposes.”

“If you don’t serve in a formal leadership role, some of you may not view yourselves as leaders,” Mullins said, “but you are because you all have areas of influence. The choices we make help move people toward God or away from God.”

“Intentional Living: Choosing to Live for God’s Purposes” by Andrea Mullins is available for purchase online at, by calling WMU customer service toll-free at 1-800-968-7301 or at selected Christian bookstores. Mullins holds a master of divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently working toward her doctor of ministry degree at Bakke Graduate University. She lives in Birmingham, Ala., with her husband, Mike.

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