Adrian Rogers undergoing medical treatment

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (BP)--Adrian Rogers, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been hospitalized for double pneumonia.

“He was admitted last Thursday and is responding to the antibiotic treatments,” Bill Skelton, executive vice president of Rogers' Love Worth Finding radio and TV ministry, told Baptist Press Nov. 8. “As of this morning, he was resting comfortably, and prior to this incident he was responding well to the chemotherapy.”

Rogers, 74, who retired earlier this year as pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tenn., has been undergoing treatment for colon cancer the last several months, following surgery May 16. [related report]

Skelton directed those seeking updates on Rogers’ condition to check the Love Worth Finding Ministry Web site, He also thanked Rogers’ friends and well-wishers for their concern and encouraged them to continue to intercede spiritually.

“Dr. Rogers’ family and the staff of Love Worth Finding greatly appreciate the many kind expressions for Dr. Rogers’ quick and full recovery,” he said. “We covet your prayers on his behalf.”

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