Midwestern names new vice president of development

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has named Marty R. Harkey as vice president for institutional advancement. Harkey, who previously served as the director of property management and as Northwest area manager for The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma, will oversee alumni affairs and development efforts at the seminary beginning Jan. 3.

“Marty Harkey is a man of many skills and abilities. Most of all, he is marked by a determination to contribute to the growth of the Kingdom of God,” Midwestern Seminary President R. Philip Roberts said. “These qualities will make him a wonderful addition to the work of the Lord here. We welcome him to the Midwestern Seminary family.”

Harkey, 47, said he looks forward to the opportunity of serving at Midwestern.

“The opportunity to participate in helping men and women fulfill their calling from God is exhilarating,” said Harkey, who has studied at both Oklahoma Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. “And working with the generous donors whom God has touched to benefit the Lord’s work at Midwestern is a double benefit.”

Harkey is a 1985 graduate of the University of Tulsa, completing a bachelor of arts degree in religion.

Prior to joining the Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma staff in 2000, Harkey served as pastor of First Baptist Church of Crescent, Okla., for more than five years. Ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1981 at Parkland Baptist Church in Tulsa, Okla., he has ministered for more than 23 years in churches throughout Oklahoma, and since coming to the Foundation, has led several churches as interim pastor.

In denominational life, Harkey served as the assistant recording secretary for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma from 1996-2000 and on several committees of the convention.

He has training in estate planning through Resource Development Institute of Springfield, Mo., and is a member in good standing with the National Committee on Planned Giving.

Additionally, Harkey has served as a police chaplain for agencies in Oklahoma. He is a CLEET (Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training )-certified reserve officer and presently serves as chaplain and reserve police officer with the Crescent Police Department (Okla.), where he holds the rank of lieutenant.

He and his wife, Teresa, have three daughters.

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