S.C. pastor Frank Page joins contest for SBC presidency

TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--South Carolina pastor Frank Page confirmed May 19 he will allow his name to be placed in nomination for president of the Southern Baptist Convention to set forth a choice in cooperative missions methodology.

“It is so,” he told Baptist Press. “I can certainly confirm that I am going to allow my name to be recommended in Greensboro,” where the SBC’s June 13-14 annual meeting will be held.

Page joins Arkansas pastor Ronnie Floyd in, now, a two-man contest for the convention presidency.

Asked his reasons for entering the race, Page said, “Obviously, number one, is, I have a peace from the Lord about it, that I have been seeking and did not have until this morning, that it was OK [to be a nominee].”

Second, he said, “I think it is healthy for our convention to have a choice....

“It is [a choice] about methodology,” Page said. “I just believe that it’s time for people to not only say they support the work of Southern Baptists, but to show it. And I hope that my candidacy will bring that discussion to light.”

Page has been pastor of First Baptist Church in Taylors, S.C., the past five and a half years. “Our church gives over 12 percent to the Cooperative Program and we have a huge missions program on top of that, so we believe that one can do both. And I think that’s a model that I would like for people to be able to consider.”

The Cooperative Program is Southern Baptists’ channel for supporting state, national and international missions and ministry.

“I want it to be very clear that it’s not about theology -- we’re both conservatives,” Page said of himself and Ronnie Floyd. “It’s not about personalities. I love Ronnie Floyd and think he’s a wonderful man.”

Page said he had not yet determined who will place his name in nomination at the convention when the election is held June 13.

Prior to accepting the pastorate at Taylors, Page had been pastor of Warren Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga., from 1991-2001; of Gambrell Street Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, from 1987-91; and LaFayette Baptist Church in Fayetteville, N.C., 1981-87. He has served on the executive boards of the South Carolina, Georgia and North Carolina state Baptist conventions.

He is the author of a book titled, “Trouble with the Tulip: A Closer Examination of the Five Points of Calvinism,” released in 2000 by Riverstone Group Publishing.

Page’s information for the most recent year from Southern Baptists’ Annual Church Profile survey, 2005, for the Taylors congregation lists 66 baptisms and primary worship service attendance of 2,079. The church gave $534,683, or 12.4 percent, through the Cooperative Program from total undesignated receipts of $4,297,861. According to the ACP, the church’s total mission expenditures were $1,461,950, including $161,527 for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and $62,726 for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions.

Page earned a Ph.D. in Christian ethics from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth in 1980 and an M.Div. there in 1976.

He taught as an adjunct faculty member at SWBTS in Christian ethics from 1976-80 and in personal evangelism from 1987-91 and was an adjunct faculty member in pastoral ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s extension center in Augusta.

He is a native of Greensboro, N.C., who was saved at age 9 at Southside Baptist Church there.

Page and his wife Dayle have three grown daughters.

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