FIRST-PERSON: A call to prayer

TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)--Following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, Southern Baptist volunteers descended en masse to the stricken areas. One public official flying over the area asked the question, “Who are those people in yellow shirts?”

The response was, “Southern Baptist volunteers.” Southern Baptists were among the first on the scene, and they are still working hard to help bring order out of this horrible disaster.

Disaster is an accurate description of many lives in our country and world. It is my prayer that in these next years, Southern Baptists will be able to present a positive, life-transforming message to help people move out of disastrous lifestyles and into a life of transformation and victory.

We have heard the needed call for soul-winning and baptisms. I will propose several initiatives to help us know how to accomplish this great task.

First, I call on Southern Baptists to look to the Lord for strength, guidance and forgiveness. This must be our earnest prayer.

Would you join with me in this prayer? Lord, send your reviving spirit:

-- to exhort us in repentance, humility and confession to be your obedient servants.

-- to transform your churches

-- to energize evangelism of those outside the Kingdom

-- to unite us in your cooperative mission tasks.

In order to do what needs to be done, we must begin with a serious time of prayer, humility and confession. Would you and your church join with me in seeking the hand of God through prayer?

Frank Page is president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of First Baptist Church in Taylors, S.C. Visit his website at

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