Planned Parenthood income tops $1 billion for first time

WASHINGTON (BP)--Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the country's largest abortion business, garnered more than $1 billion in income for the first time in history last year.

Planned Parenthood jumped from making $972 million in 2005-06 to $1.017 billion in the 2006-07 fiscal year, according to its recently released annual report. Of last year's revenue, $336.7 million, or about one-third, came in government grants and contracts.

Planned Parenthood's abortion figures also increased markedly from calendar year 2005 to 2006, according to the report. The number of abortions provided by Planned Parenthood affiliates grew to 289,750 from 264,943.

In addition, the total of emergency contraceptive kits dispensed by Planned Parenthood affiliates increased to 1,436,846 from 1,240,516. Commonly called Plan B or the "morning-after pill," emergency contraception can have the effect of preventing an embryo from implanting in the uterine wall, thereby causing an abortion.

The Planned Parenthood report also showed the organization doubling its "excess of revenue over expenses" from $55.7 million in 2005-06 to $112 million last year.

Rep. Mike Pence, R.-Ind., again is seeking to pull some of the federal funding from the organization because of its abortion practice. He is expected to propose an amendment this summer that would prohibit grants from going to Planned Parenthood under Title X, the government's family planning program. The House of Representatives turned back Pence's efforts last year.

"We don't give any U.S. tax dollars to any foreign family planning organization that promotes or provides abortion as a means of birth control," Pence said in a written statement. "It's time the American people know the largest recipient of Title X funding in America is the largest abortion provider as well. It's time to pass the Pence Amendment to keep taxpayer money out of the hands of Planned Parenthood."

Planned Parenthood received about $70 million in Title X funds during 2005-06.

Pro-life advocates outside Congress also are calling for Planned Parenthood's defunding.

"It is outrageous that Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion provider, continues to reach into the pocket of the American taxpayer to the tune of $336 million per annum," said Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. "I join pro-lifers across the country in applauding Congressman Pence's effort to rectify this egregious use of the public purse. I would call upon Americans to make their views on this matter known to their elected representatives."

Planned Parenthood, however, has plenty of supporters who see the organization in a different light.

"It is unfortunate that some of my colleagues continue to pursue their misguided attacks on comprehensive family planning programs in general and Planned Parenthood specifically," said Rep. Lois Capps, D.-Calif., who was recently honored by the organization, according to CNS News. "Title X funding is a wise investment of tax dollars that encourages effective family planning and helps reduce unintended pregnancies."

Planned Parenthood opponents have a growing number of reasons for not trusting the organization, including:

-- A Kansas Planned Parenthood affiliate is facing 107 criminal charges after allegedly performing late-term abortions, refusing to report child abuse, failing to comply with parental consent requirements and not enforcing the 24-waiting period, Focus on the Family's CitizenLink reported.

-- California Planned Parenthood clinics are being sued after allegedly overcharging the state and federal governments $180 million.

-- An investigation by UCLA students uncovered several Planned Parenthood affiliates accepting racist-motivated donations, most recently in Oklahoma and New Mexico.

-- Allegations that Planned Parenthood affiliates fail to report the sexual abuse and statutory rape of underage girls have mounted in recent years.

-- An affiliate in Aurora, Ill., falsified city permit documents in order to build a mega-abortion center in the town.

To top it all off, Planned Parenthood has announced plans to spend $10 million during this election cycle to build support among elected officials. Its "One Million Strong" effort will attempt to recruit 1 million people to vote for pro-abortion candidates, according to CitizenLink.

Focus on the Family and nearly 60 other pro-life organizations have sent a letter urging Congress to suspend Planned Parenthood funding. The Family Research Council sent out a petition April 1 that will be delivered to President Bush, asking him to approve new Title X rules that prevent funds from going to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.

The Planned Parenthood annual report may be found online at

Katherine Kipp is an intern with the Washington bureau of Baptist Press.

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