Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelization -- May 31

PACIFIC RIM (BP)--The Sayang* are just one example of the many people groups around the world who live in places or cultures where it is especially difficult to share the Gospel -- and often dangerous for those who believe.

Geographic isolation, physical hardship, threats of violence and lack of freedom and resources are among the foremost barriers separating the lost from the opportunity to know Jesus.

That's why Southern Baptists are coming together to show their love for lost peoples living in hard places during the Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelization. On May 31, churches across the United States will unite in earnest prayer, asking God to move powerfully among the most spiritually dark places on the planet.

"The Holy Spirit knows no barriers when we get on our knees," says Gordon Fort, vice president of the International Mission Board's overseas operations. "Among these 'pockets of lostness' where there are no churches, no Christians, no Bibles and no way of reaching the people living there — prayer is the one thing we can do.

"It's the key that unlocks doors, turns hearts and prepares the way of the Lord."

Use this and the accompanying article in praying for the Sayang and others living in those hard places. A new DVD focusing on the Day of Prayer is available for free from the IMB by calling 1-800-999-3113 or by downloading the video at Other resources available to help your church, small group or Sunday School class pray for those in hard-to-reach places include a downloadable poster, planning helps, promotional fliers and other materials.

*Name changed. Reported by the international bureau of Baptist Press. To learn more about the Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelization and how your church can be a part of taking the Gospel to hard places, call 1-800-999-3113 or visit

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