Students speak for unborn in silence

WASHINGTON (BP)--Twenty thousand students worldwide recently took part in a silent protest against abortion for the sixth consecutive year.

The Stand True ministry again sponsored the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity, with students at more than 4,000 locations in 25 countries participating, said Bryan Kemper, president of the ministry.

"We already know of at least 26 babies that were saved" as a result of the Oct. 20 day of silence, Kemper told Baptist Press.

People involved in the event placed red duct tape over their mouths and wore red armbands to identify themselves as participants. They handed out fliers to explain their silent protest was an acknowledgment of all the innocent lives that will never have a voice because of the choice of abortion, according to the event website.

Since abortion was legalized nationwide in 1973, it is estimated there have been more than 50 million abortions in the United States.

The event website,, explained the purpose of the protest:

"Today we are silent, but by doing this we are being a voice for the one-third of our generation that will never have a voice. These victims are not only being silenced; they are being killed.... "

Timmerie Millington, a California college student, put red duct tape on her mouth and wore a pro-life T-shirt that read "Apathy Denied." Millington was away from the campus on the day of the event this year, but that did not stop her from speaking out in silence.

"Honestly, I have no problem speaking out against abortion. It's just something ... I hold an outward stance against," said Millington, a freshman at John Paul the Great Catholic University in San Diego and a third-year participant in the movement.

Jennifer Rankin, a student in Canada, arrived at Wiarton High School with red duct tape on her mouth and handed out the materials to students who asked her what she was doing. Campus police escorted her to a school office to be isolated for the school day. The school principal said her protest was not allowed on campus, according to The Peterborough Examiner.

Other students who participated in the event shared their stories on the website.

One, Lina, said her high school principal did not allow her to wear duct tape on her mouth because of health issues, so she wore an H1N1 mask and put red duct tape over it with "LIFE" written on it.

According to the website, there were participants at 3,981 schools, 321 home schools and 118 businesses and ministries worldwide this year. In addition, 1,105 took part who were not students.

After being involved in the pro-life cause for 20 years, Kemper -- president of Stand True -- has become passionate about young people speaking out for their generation. The Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity has become much greater than the ministry imagined it would become, he said.

A baby dies every 24 seconds because of abortion, said Millington, a spokesperson for Survivors, one of the event's co-sponsors.

"I believe that we must participate; this is our call to do such a thing," she said.

According to the event's website, there are already more than 100 schools registered for next year's event, which will be held Oct. 19.

Cindy Ortiz, a junior at Biola University in La Mirada, Calif., is attending the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities' Washington Journalism Center this semester and serving as an intern with Baptist Press.

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