S. Asian church wins VBS photo contest

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A church in Taiwan submitted the winning photo in this year's Facts & Trends Vacation Bible School photo contest.

Churches submitted 144 photos to the contest, and Grace Baptist Church in Taiwan won the prize, a VBS Super Sampler. The picture shows young children doing their motions as part of the day's worship rally.

"This photo said VBS to us," said Facts & Trends Editor Polly House. "Besides good subject matter, it's clear, in focus, has good resolution and shows the children's beautiful faces. These are all marks of a great photo."

The top 12 photos were selected by the F&T staff, and then viewers were able to vote online to choose the top three. F&T staff and representatives from LifeWay's VBS area chose the winner from among the top three.

Compiled by staff of LifeWay Christian Resources.

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