Rogers voices encouragement for 'journey of transitions'

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP)--Adrian Rogers encouraged Southern Baptist Home Mission Board directors and staff members to stay focused on God when they come to "detours, dead ends and dry holes."

Preaching from Exodus 13-16 during the last HMB board meeting April 16, Rogers compared the problems of the Israelites to difficult situations Christians face today.

"All these things that happened to them then serve as examples to us today. Theirs was a journey of transitions," said Rogers, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in suburban Memphis, Tenn., and a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Rogers' message came at a time when some HMB employees are facing either a decision to accept or decline an offer of a new position with the North American Mission Board while others face termination from their HMB positions. NAMB will assume the work of the Home Mission Board, Brotherhood Commission and Radio and Television Commission this summer.

"The discipline of detours is to toughen us and harden us," Rogers said. "There are no blessings without battles."

Rogers told the directors and employees, like the Israelites, they have only one concern when faced with problems: "Keep your eye on the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night ... . When you are facing delays, get alone with God and be certain you can say that nothing is between my soul and the Savior."

He encouraged his audience to get their eyes off themselves and their situation saying, "When you come to a dead end, if you are not focused on the pillars, it is fearful. But don't be afraid ... wait upon the Lord."

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