BP Ledger, Oct. 29 edition

EDITOR'S NOTE: BP Ledger carries items for reader information each week from various Southern Baptist-related entities, and news releases of interest from other sources. The items are published as received.

Today's BP Ledger contains items from:

Baptist College of Florida

Palm Beach Atlantic University

University of the Cumberlands

Campbellsville University (two items)

BCF Hosts Embrace Conference

GRACEVILLE, Fla. (Baptist College of Florida) -- How do you improve upon a three-day Missions Conference featuring a dozen mission agencies, dynamic worship experiences, and a challenge to win the world to Christ? By ending the week with an additional dozen representatives from the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention.

On Thursday, October 25, The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville, Fla., hosted the IMB initiative known as "Embracing the Ends of the Earth." The conference is designed to equip local church leaders to mobilize their churches for the task of engaging the approximately 3800 unengaged and unreached people groups with the gospel of Christ.

Nearly 160 participants from 59 churches began arriving on the college campus early on Thursday. Some were BCF students who needed only to walk across the campus. But other groups arrived from as far away as Texas and West Tennessee, eager to be involved in the Great Commission in a more effective, more strategic way.

"The registered trademark of The Baptist College of Florida is 'Changing the World Through the Unchanging Word, ®" stated BCF President Thomas A. Kinchen during a warm welcome extended to participants. "We will not change the world until we have first embraced the gospel and our Lord's Great Commission. Having done this, we can do no less than to embrace those who are still in darkness. We are honored to be a part of this great enterprise."

Morning plenary sessions covered introductory topics to inform and inspire participants on what it means to "embrace" an unreached people group, the need for it, and the weighty considerations involved. Afternoon breakout sessions were provided according to specific locations around the world where the gospel is desperately needed. During the sessions, detailed resources were offered and strategies shared. The closing session consisted of a challenge to boldly carry out the task of embracing the world and sharing the gospel.

"We have always talked about adopting a people group," stated Chris Kroll, pastor at Hartford Baptist Church in Hartford, Alabama. "Now we have a much better understanding of what that means and how to go about it. I am excited. My staff is excited. And my church folks are really excited."

Such enthusiasm was repeated throughout the day, and all over the BCF campus. IMB representatives were equally as excited. "We are quite pleased with the turnout here, and very encouraged at the response we are getting," said one IMB regional strategist. Another colleague added, "It's clear that God is still at work in the hearts of His people. Just to see so many people from so many churches embrace their part of the Great Commission is very encouraging to us all. Only God knows what the eternal results will be."

For more information on how to be involved with "Embracing the Ends of the Earth" or other BCF missions opportunities contact 800-328-2660.


Palm Beach Atlantic University Formally Installs Fleming as its Eighth President

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (Palm Beach Atlantic University) -- William M.B. Fleming Jr. was formally installed October 21 as the eighth president of Palm Beach Atlantic University in a ceremony that focused on PBA's future and the spiritual nature of University's mission.

President Fleming "is a man of deep faith who strives each day to live his life as an obedient servant of Christ," Scott Hawkins, vice president of the PBA board of trustees, told some 350 gathered in the DeSantis Family Chapel. "His motives are pure and his words are measured as he provides leadership and vision."

With his wife Pam at his side, President Fleming took the formal oath of office in regalia with his hand on a family Bible as his mother, one son and several siblings looked on. Moments later he told a mix of faculty, staff, benefactors and friends of PBA, "Unless the Lord builds a University the workers labor in vain. But miracles and wonders continue at Palm Beach Atlantic because the Lord has built this place.

"It has, and will and will forever be a Christ-first university," he said, adding a prayer that PBA "continue to be a beacon for Christ not merely for the southeastern portion of the United States of America but for the whole world."

During his remarks President Fleming put particular emphasis on the Workship program – a concept created at PBA that requires students to perform 45 hours of community service per academic year. Since its inception, PBA students have performed some 2.5 million hours of workship service.

President Fleming announced that he and his wife have donated $50,000 to the University to create an endowment to support and enhance the workship program.

"Workship is a primary differentiator for PBA … a center of excellence," President Fleming said afterwards. "Pam and I wanted to invest in Workship to be sure that future students understand the commitment that we and the University have to servant leadership."

President Fleming was elected by the University's board of trustees on May 7, 2012 after serving for 14 months as interim president. Prior to that, he served as vice president for development – arriving at PBA in 1992.

"Today was a reaffirmation of the University's Christ-centeredness," President Fleming said after the ceremony during which selected members of the PBA leadership prayed over him as he kneeled and they rested hands on his shoulders. "It allowed the University to celebrate that in music and words, and to reflect on the significant and humbling role we at PBA are called to play in developing the next generation of Christian servant leaders."

West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio noted the significance of the day, reading a proclamation honoring Fleming and noting the importance of the University to the city. "Bill Fleming inspires us as a leader and a friend, and inspires the students he serves," she said.

"Bill Fleming is committed to the greatness of this school," said former PBA President David Clark. "The best days of PBA are ahead."

Palm Beach Atlantic University is a private, independent university offering undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees in West Palm Beach, Orlando, Wellington and online. The University is dedicated to the integration of Christian principles to prepare students for learning, leadership and service.


Christian author speaks at UC convocation

WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. (University of the Cumberlands) -- On Monday, October 22, 571 students filled University of the Cumberlands' (UC) Gatliff Chapel during convocation to listen to a message titled "Gasp" by Christian author and speaker Tony Nolan. Invited to Cumberlands' campus by UC's Missions and Ministry department, Nolan's address was well-received as he walked through the basics of being a believer and follower of Christ.

Nolan shared his story of how, despite being abandoned at birth, turning to drugs and alcohol as a teen and dealing with the pain from his childhood, he became an avid believer of Christ when "God radically changed his life." As a person and speaker, Nolan is passionate about connecting people to God's love and he shared that passion on Monday night. His ultimate goal was to show students the truth behind God's love and the steps it takes to truly believe in it.

"The presence of God was made known, and being able to see my friends and peers make decisions for Christ was very heart-warming," said UC student Alison Cook.

Nolan used examples that were relatable to each student as he discussed the importance of God's love.

"You think I lived in a bad neighborhood…we all live in a bad neighborhood. It's called Earth," said Nolan.

He also urged Christians to be accountable for their proclamation of faith when he said, "there is a difference in saying you believe and showing you believe." He explained that life is short and Christians need to preach the stuff that will last forever, even after they are gone.

Near the end of the service approximately 250 students made decisions for Christ, and as UC alum Forrest Coleman led a prayer, the students who made decisions were directed outside for full recognition of their resolution.

"It was truly inspiring and eye opening. Life is precious but short and the reality is we will all stand before the Lord on judgment day and have to be ready. One decision can change your entire life. A lot of people saw that and made decisions it was awesome!" said UC student Chris Lowrie.

Located in Williamsburg, Ky., University of the Cumberlands is an institution of regional distinction, which currently offers four undergraduate degrees in more than 40 major fields of study; nine pre-professional programs; twelve graduate degrees, including two doctorate, two specialist and eight master's degrees; certifications in education; and online programs.

Article provided by Kyla Edmondson, University of the Cumberlands Multimedia & Athletic Services Student Assistant


Campbellsville University's Modern Presidency course seeks to improve voter education

By Samantha Stevenson, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. (Campbellsville University) -- Students enrolled in Dr. Shawn Williams' Modern Presidency course are gaining a new perspective of this year's presidential election. This year, instead of the traditional course, students are actively researching and creating an informative campaign website. Their website is exclusively student-run, and features the platforms of both candidates and their running mates.

Their website includes this mission statement: "In an unbiased way, our purpose is to educate the young adults of our generation about the 2012 presidential candidates, their campaigns, and the issues."

The goal of the website is to inform voters about the candidates prior to the November election so voters can feel assured they are making an educated decision.

Issues presented on the website include: Press and Public Relations, Congress, Economics, Foreign Affairs and the Role of the Vice President. Each one provides a link to both Obama and Romney's stance on the listed issue.

After the election, the class is going to continue to keep the website active by shifting the focus on how the president interacts with the American people. The students creating the website will also include the "what if" factor where they will examine and analyze what the losing candidate would have done if they had won the election.

Students enrolled in the Modern Presidency course hope that their website will create analytical voters who can "identify what a president should do rather than what they say they can do," Williams said.

In addition to creating this website, students in Modern Presidency are also responsible for taking quizzes over assigned readings. Their quiz grades are used to determine leaders of projects and presentations. Leaders are responsible for providing objective and persuasive content to be used on the website.

"Completing assignments has required students to not only master course content and educate themselves on the positions of the current candidates, but also to teach themselves web layout and design, video construction and editing, and how to effectively use music in a campaign," Williams said.

Dr. Jason Garrett, associate professor of communications, assisted in the project with video, and Matt Hodge, instructor in theater and fine arts recruiter, assisted with music.

Williams, assistant professor of political science, also teaches American Government, Comparative Government, and a political science seminar.

For more information, contact Williams at shwilliams@campbellsville.edu.

Visit the Modern Presidency website at http://tinyurl.com/cupres or http://cupoliticalscience.weebly.com/index.html.

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