BP Ledger, Dec. 10 edition

EDITOR'S NOTE: BP Ledger carries items for reader information each week from various Southern Baptist-related entities, and news releases of interest from other sources. The items are published as received.

Today's BP Ledger contains items from:

Publishers Place

University of the Cumberlands

Campbellsville University

Memoir Relates Pastor's Love for People

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Publishers Place) -- One of the most pulsating moments of Gene Enlow's life occurred the night a man burst into his study, threatening to kill him because of the pastor's opposition to legalizing sales of liquor by the drink. As Enlow pondered what to say, the Holy Spirit prompted him to pray that God help him love this man the same way He did.

"This experience taught me a lesson that would guide me throughout my pastoral career," Enlow says. "Whenever I encountered problem people, I prayed, 'Lord, help me to love this man (or woman) like You love him.' That often resolved tense, difficult situations. Saying that prayer can disarm critics and supply you with supernatural strength. It gave me the realization that God is working on behalf of both parties and will resolve the problem. It is up to Him to take care of it, not me."

This anecdote appears in A Legacy of Faith: The Enlow Papers. Enlow compiled it with the help of veteran co-author Ken Walker, a freelance writer for several national Christian publications and the Kentucky Baptist Convention. Enlow, who turned 90 in mid-October, wanted to leave a record for future generations of family and others. The memoir includes a collection of his favorite sermons and essays, as well as reflections on his father, Isham, a longtime pastor, church planter and district missionary in Kentucky and Florida.

"I think some of the experiences I've had and stories I tell will help people with the problems they face," says Enlow, a graduate of Georgetown College who earned his doctoral degree at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. "I hope it will also be inspirational to churches where I've ministered."

A former trustee of Southern Seminary, Enlow is Pastor Emeritus of Beechmont Baptist Church in Louisville. He served three other Kentucky churches: Crooked Creek (now Marcus) Baptist in Pendleton County, Clover Bottom Baptist Church near Versailles, and Bethany Baptist in Louisville; and Immanuel Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Enlow held numerous interim pastorates after retiring from Beechmont in 1988.

A native of Covington, Enlow spent many of his formative years in Whitesburg. He graduated from Dry Ridge High School and attended Georgetown on a basketball scholarship. He holds three degrees from Southern Seminary and an honorary doctorate from Georgetown. Married to his first wife, Culley, for 52 years before her death in 2001, Enlow married his second wife, the former Bettye McSwain, in 2003. They make their home in Louisville.

Copies of the 162-page paperback are $15 plus shipping ($3 for the first book and $1 for each additional copy) and can be ordered from the publisher, Publishers Place, 821 Fourth Avenue, Suite 201, Huntington, WV 25701. For more information, e-mail publishersplace@gmail.com or call 304-697-3236.


Cumberlands prof & cancer survivor celebrated

By Meghann Holme

WILLIAMSBURG, Ky. (University of the Cumberlands) -- Connie Howard considers her nature shy, but one seeing the woman with an almost constant smile and ready laugh might not believe her. A trait that the University of the Cumberlands' public health professor shares that cannot be disputed, however, is her nearly unbelievable, wholly inspirational positivity.

In April 2011, doctors discovered that Connie had HER 2 NU breast cancer, a highly aggressive type of cancer that is best treated through early detection. According to Connie's doctor, if her cancer had been discovered even 3 months later the end result of her cancer could have been her death. After months of grueling chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she is now cancer free.

At a celebration of her life on Wednesday, Nov. 28—held by her colleagues at the University of the Cumberlands' Health, Exercise and Sport Science Department—it was her positive spirit that the cancer survivor's colleagues, co-workers and friends marveled at.

"You're an inspiration," said one, while another remarked on Connie's "good mental attitude." Dr. Glenda Warren, professor of health who has worked at UC with Connie for more than 20 years acknowledged that Connie's attitude is not a result of her cancer diagnosis, rather her unrelenting faith in God.

"I always said, if she dies, she'll die with a smile on her face...she'll be happy 'til the end," said Warren of her friend. "Because [to Connie] it's not the end."

Connie admits she gained her strength and courage from God, especially through the weeks of difficult chemotherapy sessions.

"I would take one step at a time, and God would pull me along," she said.

Connie has been a health professor at UC since 1978, and much of her teaching focuses on death and dying. Most students who've sat in her classes list her as one of their favorites: "Her attitude and outlook in life made the subject [of death] okay.... She gave us the tools to succeed in class, but also in life.... It didn't matter what she was teaching, she was passionate about it."

Connie's UC family members aren't the only ones who have valued her heroic strength during an extremely difficult journey. On August 23, 2012 Connie was recognized by her community at the Tri-County Cancer Coalition's annual Cancer Survivor's Dinner in Corbin, Ky. when she received the Brenda McKeehan Celebration of Life Award, after being nominated by a former UC student Lee Richardson, Community Resource Coordinator at Baptist Regional Medical Center (BRMC) in Corbin. The award has been given to inspirational cancer survivors since 2008 to honor Ms. McKeehan, a nurse at BRMC who succumbed to cancer after 13 years of remission, and inspired others with her strength and invaluable contributions to the cancer coalition.

Connie was humbled and surprised to receive the award; she had no idea upon attendance of the dinner that she had been nominated.

"Why did I win this award? It seemed like I didn't suffer that bad," she said, comparing herself to others who have suffered with cancer. Yet she admits that chemotherapy at times seemed impossible, noting that she set small goals to make it through each one.

Today Connie continues to teach at UC, and has resumed her work as a grief facilitator at BRMC. Her Facebook page often shows updates of recent hiking excursions, and she is currently planning a trip to hike the Appalachian Trail.

As a teacher, survivor and friend, Connie continues to inspire.

Meghann Holmes is media and publications coordinator at the University of the Cumberlands.


Campbellsville prof named Special Education Administrator of the Year

By Mary Kutter

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. (Campbellsville University) -- Deborah Spalding, assistant professor of education at Campbellsville University, has been named the 2012 Kentucky Special Education Administrator of the Year by the Kentucky Council on Exceptional Children for her service as special education director of the Marion County school system.

"Mrs. Spalding has set the bar high for student achievement in our district and in doing so has raised the bar in our region and across the state," Dr. Chuck Hamilton, superintendent of the Marion County School District, said.

Roger Marcus, the executive vice president of St. Catharine College and Spalding's previous supervisor, said, "In her role as director of special education/preschool education, she has proven to be a highly effective, child-centered decision maker with problem-solving and conflict resolution skills to assist others in making wise decisions for children."

In public education for 31 years, Spalding retired as special education director of the Marion County school system in September 2012. Spalding began teaching classes at the School of Education at Campbellsville University in August 2012.

"This is a prestigious honor," Dr. Brenda Priddy, dean of Campbellsville University's School of Education, said.

"Being a special education teacher and administrator has provided me with such a rich life of service," Spalding said. "I get to be a small part of young people finding their path in life, seeing them happy and successful.

"Seeing those young people walk across the stage and receive their diploma is like seeing your own children reach such a milestone in their life. The final piece is after they graduate and even 20 years down the road when you are introduced as their teacher. There is nothing like knowing you were a small part in their way to a successful life."

"Our students are so very fortunate to have this caliber of faculty member teaching them," Priddy said. "We are thrilled to have her as one of our newest faculty in our special education program."

"I cannot think of a more rewarding profession," Spalding said. "I thank God I will have the opportunity to continue teaching these amazing students at Campbellsville University."

A native of Marion County, Spalding is a 1975 graduate of Marion County High School. She graduated from Eastern Kentucky University in 1981 with a bachelor's degree in special education for kindergarten through eighth grade students. She earned her master's degree in psychometry in 1986. Spalding received her Rank I certification in 2000; and in 2001, she became certified as a director of special education.

Active in the special education community, Spalding has served on the Communicare board of directors in 2010 and the local interagency council board. She also served on the advisory board at the Anderson County Regional Training Center.

A member of Counsel for Exceptional Children and KYCASE for 11 years, and a member of the local handicap association, Spalding served as chairperson for two years.

She is the wife of Ronald Allen Spalding. She is the daughter of Edna Mae Allen of Lebanon, Ky., and the late James Ray Allen. Spalding and her husband have two grown children, Jason Allen Spalding and Jameson Tyler Spalding. They also have two grandsons, Ty and Zac.

Mary Kutter is a student newswriter at Campbellsville University.

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