PENSACOLA, Fla. (BP) -- Try this simple, fun way to inspire church members to give thanks to God during the Thanksgiving season. Use it for your entire church, or adapt it to fit a Bible study group or family Thanksgiving celebration.

Step #1: Use white, legal-size cardstock paper to print a sign with huge black letters reading "#ThankYouGod."

Step #2: On the back side of the sign, print these instructions:

A Church-wide Thanksgiving Project

You are invited to participate in this unique way to express thanks to God for His blessings. It's for all church members and guests, teens and kids and grandpas and single adults -- everyone! We want everyone who attends this church to submit at least one photo. Here's how:

-- Take a few digital photos to show things that you thank God for. The "#ThankYouGod" sign must be visible in each photo.

-- Be creative. An artsy shot of your refrigerator's interior could show thankfulness for food. Consider how to use a photo to show thankfulness for salvation, creation, your allowance, friendship, peace, etc. Use the ThankYouGod hashtag thoughtfully.

Be creative with angles and poses. Examples: grandpa napping, a profile of dad's smile, a child at play, a silhouette, your Bible class praying.

-- Submit your favorite two photos to [your church office email address].

-- Bonus: If you use social media sites, please upload your photos using #ThankYouGod and #(your church name/current hashtag.)

-- Photos will be used in our worship services as a special thanks to God for His blessings, so don't miss a Sunday.

Step #3: Distribute a copy of the #ThankYouGod sign and instructions to every person in your church.

Step #4: As photos are submitted, create a looping slideshow or Powerpoint. Add new photos weekly.

Step #5: Use the slideshow for pre-service or post-service visuals, as backdrop for a song or offertory, or sermon illustration. If your church celebrates with a Thanksgiving dinner, play the slideshow during the meal. A church may also make prints to create a #ThankYouGod photo wall in the church foyer.

Especially at Thanksgiving, keep your entire church family thinking about God's innumerable blessings.

Diana Davis, on the Web at and Twitter @dianadavisideas, is an author, columnist and ministry wife in Pensacola Fla. She is the author of "Fresh Ideas" and "Deacon Wives" (B&H Publishing); her newest book, "Six Simple Steps -- Find Contentment and Joy as a Ministry Wife," (New Hope Publishers) releases on Jan. 5.
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