Bible Study: November 16, 2014

by Staff/LifeWay Christian Resources, posted Thursday, November 13, 2014 (9 years ago)

NASHVILLE (BP) -- This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, LifeWay publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week's Bible study is adapted from the Explore the Bible curriculum.

Bible Passage: Hebrews 12:1-13

Discussion Questions: What from your past do you continue to hold on to, even though you know it hinders your spiritual growth? What keeps you from letting go of the things you trusted in the past for your security?

Food for Thought:

Ancient athletes knew of the importance of momentum. One of the things they used to help generate momentum was hand weights. These hand weights were shaped stones and each had a hole that created a handle so they could be easily carried. Each shaped stone weighed around four to five pounds.

Carrying the weights helped the athlete gain forward momentum more easily. He would run toward the jumping mark carrying the weights, and would release them as he jumped. If he timed the release just right, he could take advantage of the momentum gained by dropping the weight and achieve the perfect jump.

The writer of Hebrews called for all believers including himself to lay aside the weights and the sin that got in their way. With the image of the hand weights in mind, one can see how easily a person could do this; he or she was simply letting go. The hearers had trusted in the Law and were well aware of their inability to keep it. The Law had propelled them to consider Christ, but they needed to let go of the Law if they were to depend upon Him.

After we become believers, we may continue to carry things from our past. Friends, rituals and other items may have given us a sense of security, but can now remind us of our need for something permanent. For us to live the life Christ intends, we must trust Him for everything and lay aside the things we once trusted. Christianity is about letting go so Christ can work in and through us for His honor.

To continue to hold on to these weights makes no sense in light of the freedom Christ offers.

Explore the Bible

Explore the Bible is an ongoing Bible study curriculum that helps groups dig into the key truths of each Bible book, while keeping the group on pace to study through the Bible books in a systematic way. More information can be found on the Internet at

Other ongoing Bible study options offered by LifeWay for all ages can be found at

Dwayne McCrary is the adult Project Team Leader for adult and young adult Explore the Bible. You can follow the Explore the Bible twitter @ExploreTheBible.

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