Floyd to take revival message to NRB

Ronnie Floyd
NASHVILLE (BP) -- Ronnie Floyd, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and a key advocate urging prayer for spiritual awakening in America, will take that message to the National Religious Broadcasters in a Feb. 25 worship service during the NRB annual convention in Nashville.

NRB President Jerry Johnson -- a longtime Southern Baptist leader -- said, "We are praying that God will use Dr. Floyd and this worship experience to lead all of us to a place of revival, awakening and spiritual renewal.

"Dr. Ronnie Floyd has a tremendous burden for prayer and a passionate vision for revival in America," Johnson said of Floyd, pastor of the multi-campus Cross Church in northwest Arkansas and a longtime NRB member.

"NRB is proud to know that the Southern Baptist Convention has elected one of our own to lead this strategic denomination," Johnson said.

The special worship service, which is open to the public, will feature messages by Floyd, Ohio pastor and broadcaster Alistair Begg and musical group Selah. Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman who faced the death penalty for refusing to recant her Christian faith, also will be honored during the service. Ibrahim was granted asylum in the United States last year after worldwide attention to her plight.

In a Jan. 26 letter to Tennessee pastors inviting their participation in the worship service, Floyd said he will be "sharing a biblical vision for revival, renewal and spiritual awakening."

"Would you join me in praying for spiritual awakening in America?" Floyd asked the Tennessee pastors.

"Perhaps God would use the SBC and the NRB to lead the way in prayer, repentance and seeking Him that we might experience the Great Awakening that our nation desperately needs," Floyd wrote.

The NRB's "Proclaim: International Christian Media Convention," Feb. 23-26, is expected to draw 4,000 media professionals from across the world, as well as 200 exhibitors representing media ministries, churches, educational institutions and others to Nashville's Gaylord Opryland Resort & Conference Center.

The convention is the "largest nationally and internationally recognized event dedicated solely to assist those in the field of Christian communications," Johnson said.

A number of Southern Baptist leaders will speak during the convention.

Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research, will present new data drawn from a project conducted in partnership with NRB concerning the identity of Christian media consumers, as well as those not reached by Christian media. In another session, Stetzer will discuss how research can be used to better reach people.

Other Southern Baptists slated to speak at the convention are David Platt, president of the International Mission Board; Owen Strachan, a Christian theology and church history faculty member at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary's Boyce College and president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood; Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas; Richard D. Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary and former president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; and Gregory Thornbury, president of The King's College in New York City.

Other notable speakers will include author and broadcaster Eric Metaxas; Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, producers of "The Bible" miniseries and other films and television programs; author Joel Rosenberg; Steve Forbes, chairman of Forbes Media; Al Robertson of "Duck Dynasty"; and John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

The convention will include sessions on Islam, a Film & Entertainment Summit, a Digital Media Summit and panels on protecting marriage, life and free speech.

The closing event will feature former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; actor Chuck Norris; and Ron Dermer, Israeli ambassador to the United States.

National Religious Broadcasters is an international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers and readers. The organization's mission is to "advance biblical truth; to promote media excellence; and to defend free speech." In addition to promoting standards of excellence, integrity and accountability, NRB provides networking, educational, ministry and fellowship opportunities for its members.

More information about NRB15 is available at: nrbconvention.org.

Report based on information from National Religious Broadcasters.
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