Prayer focus of new Kendrick Brothers film

NASHVILLE (BP) -- Kendrick Brothers Productions, the makers of the successful movies "Courageous" and "Fireproof," have announced the Aug. 28 release of their latest film "War Room," which will illustrate the power of prayer.

The film is brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick's first production independent of Sherwood Pictures, the filmmaking ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga. The PG-rated, family friendly film will feature best-selling author and Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer in a leading role, and promises a cameo appearance from best-selling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore.

"This film is about the power of prayer, the necessity of prayer in our lives," movie director and co-writer Alex Kendrick said in a promotional video posted at the movie's website, "If we return to prayer, passionately actively seeking the Lord, and we're right with Him and right with each other, God can do amazing things in our lives."

The plot focuses on a couple, portrayed by Shirer and T.C. Stallings, who have all the trappings of perfect lives, but whose marriage is falling apart. They salvage their lives by learning to earnestly and fervently pray.

"Most of us have somewhat of a financial strategy, an education strategy for our children, maybe even a health strategy ... but when it comes to prayer, it's a wish to the wind," Stephen Kendrick said in the promotional video on the movie's website. "If you look at the history of the church, the history of revivals, of great awakenings, it always was connected to people unifying and praying for the Lord to work in that situation. And that's what we want to happen in our generation."

Shirer; her father, best-selling author and pastor Tony Evans; Moore, and vice president of LifeWay Christian Resources Selma Wilson are all featured in the promotional video.

"[Prayer is] what opens up the floodgates for God to come down and be involved in our everyday circumstances," Shirer said. Her father adds, "A lot of people don't pray 'cause they don't believe it works. But unfortunately it doesn't work because we don't really pray."

Jesus' teachings on prayer in Matthew 6 are central to the movie, the brothers said.

"In Matthew 6 Jesus said when you pray, go into your inner room, in your secret place. We seek God first before going to war, if you will," Alex Kendrick said. Adds his brother Stephen, "That verse in that passage is one of the keys to this movie. It's really easy to make prayer an afterthought. We want people to begin to fight their battles in prayer first."

Prayer is a weapon of war, Moore said.

"[God] has us fight not human flesh and blood, but fight the war that is in the heavenlies," Moore said, "that can only happen from our knees."

Wilson said there is power in prayer.

"If we can call the body of Christ to take seriously our conversations with God and we commit to pray, can you imagine what God can do in and through us," she said. "There is nothing impossible for our God."

Worldwide Distribution for Sony Pictures will release the film.

"We are pleased to be distributing the Kendrick Brothers' next film, which will be the perfect programming for families seeking a wholesome and inspiring summer movie," Rory Bruer, president of Worldwide Distribution for Sony Pictures, told "War Room is the ideal addition to our August slate, following in the footsteps of last year's hit, Heaven is for Real, which had a $12 million budget and grossed more than $100 million."

Courageous, the latest Kendrick Brothers production filmed for $2 million and released in 2011, grossed more than $34 million and was the top selling DVD in the U.S. It received an A+ Cinema Score rating from filmgoers and has led to a series of Bible study and discipleship tools.

Compiled by Diana Chandler, Baptist Press general assignment writer/ editor.
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