"Faith and Family" worship slated June 7 in Salt Lake City

SALT LAKE CITY (BP)--An 8:30 a.m. ?Faith and Family? worship service Sunday, June 7, will be sponsored by Salt Lake City?s Southeast Baptist Church and the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists in the Salt Palace Convention Center?s Hall 1.

Preaching will be Jerry Drace, of Memphis, Tenn., vice president of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, on ?Refocusing on the Family? and James Merritt, pastor of First Baptist Church, Snellville, Ga., on ?Faith and the Family.?

The family thrust prior to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting will tie in with the closing message of the SBC annual meeting to be brought by James Dobson, founder of the nationally known Focus on the Family ministry, Thursday morning, June 11.

Mike Gray, pastor of Southeast Baptist, which sponsors a yearly citywide worship service, said, ?We are praying this special emphasis on the family will have a tremendous impact on the citizens of Salt Lake City and those attending the Southern Baptist Convention.

?Nothing is more timely than speaking to the needs of the American family,? Gray said.

Drace noted ?it is very fitting that we are stressing the need for Christian families, given the location of this year?s convention.?

The first portion of the worship, Drace said. will be geared toward husbands and fathers. ?Whether evangelists, pastors, denominational workers or laity, we need husbands and fathers in our homes who are willing to be the spiritual leaders,? he said. ?Sometimes we as ?professional religious leaders? get so caught up in ministering to those in the house of God, we painfully neglect those who live in our own house.?

Family oriented music also will be part of the service, to which the public is invited.

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