TRUSTEES: New School of Preaching approved at SWBTS

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's board of trustees approved the establishment of a School of Preaching; elected five new faculty members; received reports of a 10 percent enrollment increase for the fall semester; and conducted other business during their fall meeting, Oct. 19-21.
FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) -- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's board of trustees approved the establishment of a School of Preaching; elected five new faculty members; received reports of a 10 percent enrollment increase for the fall semester; and conducted other business during their fall meeting, Oct. 19-21.

School of Preaching

Trustees unanimously approved the establishment of a new School of Preaching at Southwestern. As the seventh of Southwestern's academic schools, the School of Preaching will be dedicated to training students in the art of text-driven preaching.

Trustees also elected David Allen, who currently serves as dean of the School of Theology, as the School of Preaching's founding dean. Allen will be part of a seven-member faculty that includes Barry McCarty, chief parliamentarian for the SBC; Vern Charette, who specializes in evangelistic preaching; and Steven Smith, whose published works include "Dying to Preach: Embracing the Cross in the Pulpit" and "Recapturing the Voice of God: Shaping Sermons Like Scripture."

All preaching courses at Southwestern will be taught through the School of Preaching. Degrees available through the school include the doctor of philosophy, doctor of ministry and master of theology. In addition, the school will also offer the certificate of preaching that will supplement the master of divinity programs of the School of Theology and Fish School of Evangelism and Missions.

The school will officially open on Aug. 1, 2016. To read more about the School of Preaching, visit

Enrollment increase

The admissions office reported that enrollment has increased 10 percent over the last two years, with this fall's enrollment exceeding last year's by 400 students. Total enrollment for the fall semester is 3,643. In addition, the number of prospect cards for new enrollees is up 52 percent, new student applications are up 19 percent, and the number of those moving from application to enrollment is up 19 percent as well.

Sale of E.D. Head apartments

Trustees approved the sale of the E.D. Head apartment complex, located four blocks east of the campus. Southwestern President Paige Patterson explained that, with the new student housing apartments located across the street from the main campus, the E.D. Head apartments are no longer necessary. Also, given the complex's distance from campus, Patterson noted it is difficult to provide adequate security for the students who live there. The sale of the E.D. Head apartments will serve to bring students closer to the main campus.

Faculty elections

Nathan Burggraff was elected assistant professor of music theory.

Ben Caston was elected associate professor of voice.

Barry McCarty was elected professor of preaching and rhetoric.

Charles Savelle was elected assistant professor of Bible exposition at the J. Dalton Havard School for Theological Studies in Houston.

David Toledo was elected assistant professor of music ministry. 

Alex Sibley is the senior writer/copy editor for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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