'Awaken America' registration opens for SBC St. Louis

ST. LOUIS (BP) -- Registration for the SBC's "Awaken America: Reach the World" annual meeting, June 14-15 in St. Louis, has opened.

Online registration for messengers and local hotels can be accessed at www.SBCAnnualMeeting.net.

Through online messenger registration at the www.SBCAnnualMeeting.net tab, each messenger will receive an eight-digit registration code to present at the annual meeting's Express Registration lane in St. Louis, preferably as a printout for the church's credential. The code will be entered into a computer at the SBC registration area and a nametag will be printed. The appropriate church-authorized representative must complete all online registrations.

The SBC constitution and bylaws were amended last year to broaden messenger representation.

Each cooperating church that contributes to convention causes during the preceding fiscal year now automatically qualifies for two messengers; previous rules allowed for one messenger.

Additionally, the convention will recognize 10 additional messengers from a cooperating church under one of the following options:

-- One additional messenger for each full percent of the church's undesignated receipts which the church contributed during the fiscal year preceding through the Cooperative Program, and/or through the convention's Executive Committee for convention causes, and/or to any convention entity.

-- One additional messenger for each $6,000 the church contributes in the preceding year through the normative combination of the Cooperative Program, designated gifts through the Executive Committee for convention causes or to any SBC entity.

Registration information for St. Louis for SBC preschool children and programs for children ages 6-12 and students in grades 7-12 also is available through the website. Click here for Baptist Press story today with details.

SBC President Ronnie Floyd, in his weekly column today (Feb. 22), announced that Stephen Rummage, senior pastor of Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Fla., will chair the Committee on Resolutions, and Willy Rice, senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater, Fla., will chair the Committee on Committees, one of the key committees involved in the nomination of trustees for SBC entities and committees. Other members of the two committees will be announced this spring.

Floyd, in a column last year, pointed to "7 reasons to come to St. Louis on June 14-15, 2016":

1. We need to be with our family, our Southern Baptist family.

2. We need to be inspired to believe again that God can awaken America spiritually and the world can be reached for Christ.

3. We need to hear the Word of God proclaimed, pray and worship together by the thousands, and have our spiritual lives set on fire again.

4. We need to hear the wonderful testimonies and reports about what God is doing across America and the world through our work together.

5. We need to hear how our churches' financial investment in the Cooperative Program and mission offerings is being used to share the Gospel.

6. We need to be encouraged to know that when we are together and working together there is hope in America and this world.

7. We need to join together by the thousands as we pray for our nation at this critical time, calling out to God to revive His church and awaken America so we can reach the world for Christ.

Art Toalston is senior editor of Baptist Press, news service of the Southern Baptist Convention.
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