FROM THE SEMINARIES: SBTS Expositors Summit; NOBTS 'Kids Got Talent'

by SBC Seminaries staff, posted Monday, November 04, 2019 (4 years ago)

Alistair Begg
SBTS photo
Preachers urge importance of purity at Southern Seminary's 2019 Expositors Summit; New Orleans Seminary's 'Campus Kids Got Talent' raises money for missions.

Preachers urge importance of purity during 2019 Expositors Summit

By SBTS Communications

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) -- There are many important aspects to being a faithful preacher of the Word of God: preaching the text faithfully, leading the local church effectively, and discipling and encouraging believers under one's care. But one of the most critical features of godly church leadership exists under the surface of each pastor's ministry, and if it is not present, it could rot the pastor from the inside-out.

Several evangelical preachers urged 500 attendees at the 2019 Expositors Summit to conduct their lives and ministries above reproach. Purity sets apart ministers of the Word of God and adorns the gospel they preach to the people of God, they said. The main speakers at the Expositors Summit were Alistair Begg, R. Albert Mohler Jr., Hershael York, Charlie Dates, and Bob Russell, speaking in the Alumni Chapel at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on Oct. 29-31.

The role of a pastor is largely to provide an example for God's people in conduct, godliness, and personal holiness, said Alistair Begg, senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio. According to Begg, the New Testament prioritizes the pastor's character as much as -- if not more than -- a man's gifting for preaching and teaching. This personal character is formed by years of consistent obedience, not blips of momentary faithfulness, he said.

"The example that we are to provide for our people is not to be intermittent [in our holiness]," Begg said. "It's not to be 'start and stop.' It's not to be a burst of enthusiasm followed by periods of inertia. The example is to be maintained all of our lives."

During the week of the Expositors Summit, Begg also appeared on the "Pastor Well" podcast, hosted by Hershael York, dean of the School of Theology at Southern Seminary, and spoke in chapel on Oct. 31.

While Christians and Christian ministers should whole-heartedly pursue holiness, they should do so with the awareness that they will never fully achieve it on this side of the kingdom, said Mohler during his address. This means the pursuit of holiness must always be characterized by a deep "eschatological" hope, according to Mohler.

"We are not to expect the fullness of anything in this life," Mohler said. "And by the way, that means we aren't going to experience the fullness of holiness in this life, but we have set our minds fully on the grace of God that will be revealed to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

York, also the Victor and Louise Lester professor of Christian Preaching at Southern Seminary, said the pastor's resolute endurance before temptation comes from his awareness of the character of God.

"God says that he hates, not some sin but all sin, and that any sin and every sin cost the life of his son, Jesus," York said. "If you excuse sin … then ultimately, you demean the atonement of sin. If you say sin is no big deal, than neither is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ."

Before the Expositor's Summit, York also led a pre-conference about pastoral ministry on Monday, Oct. 28, in Heritage Hall on the Southern Seminary campus.

Also speaking during the Expositors Summit were Charlie Dates, senior pastor of Progressive Bible Church in Chicago, and Bob Russell, formerly the pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., and now the leader of Bob Russell Ministries. Dates opened both days of the plenary sessions and also preached in Southern Seminary chapel on Tuesday morning.


'Campus Kids Got Talent' raises money for missions

By Marilyn Stewart

'Campus Kids Got Talent' raises money for missions at NOBTS.
NOBTS photo
NEW ORLEANS (BP) -- Kids have talent, too, and Lailey Akin and Katie Gill -- both 10 years old -- decided to use their talent to raise money for missions.

"Campus Kids Got Talent" was the result as the girls rallied the children of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary to put on a talent show Oct. 5 to raise money for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and Operation Christmas Child.

"This was all them," said Donna Peavey, professor of Christian Education. "These girls were the producers. They did the work."

The talent show brought together 13 children in seven acts that included singing, a piano selection, an original skit, dancing, and a magic act.

"I'm so proud," said Anthony Daw, father of Daniel, 11, and Rachel, 9, adding that his children pulled together their entries during an especially busy time in school.

Rachel Daw's skit about running in school included hand-drawn props of a turtle, a snail, and a penguin. Daniel Daw's magic trick included walking blindfolded through a maze of raw eggs.

Lailey Akin explained that the idea first came to her while eating at Chick-fil-A where the family received blank "tickets" encouraging children to use a talent for family time activities. After talking to her friend Katie Gill and their Sunday School teacher Donna Peavey, the idea for a campus-wide children's talent show for missions came together. "They said, 'Let's do it!'" Lailey Akin said.

Lailey Akin and Katie Gill enlisted children to participate and promoted the event on campus.

"I'm very proud," said Michael Gill, Katie Gill's father. "They put together a good show. It was all their idea."

The event raised more than $200. The funds will be split evenly between the Lottie Moon offering and Operation Christmas Child.

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