Nelson Price announces retirement after 35 years of ministry in Ga.

MARIETTA, Ga. (BP)--Nelson L. Price, the longtime pastor of Roswell Street Baptist Church, Marietta, Ga., and a former Southern Baptist Convention vice president, announced he will retire from the pulpit this November.

Price, 68, has been the senior pastor at Roswell Street since Nov. 1, 1965. Under his ministry, the suburban Atlanta congregation has grown to approximately 9,000 members.

While he hasn't made any immediate plans for his retirement, Price told Baptist Press he is taking a step of faith. "I've prayed for nine years about this," he said. "I trust the Lord will continue to give me speaking engagements but I do plan on staying in Georgia. I've been so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful community."

Price's April 9 announcement shocked many members of the congregation. "I've truly loved this church," Price said. "The unity and the love are so rare and refreshing that it has been such a blessing to be a part of."

Price said a pastor search committee has already been approved and the committee will soon meet to determine a course of action in selecting a new pastor.

The Georgia pastor currently serves as the chairman of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes' national board of trustees.

In 1977, Price was invited to preach the inaugural message before President Jimmy Carter and his Cabinet. He has also preached the inaugural message for Georgia Gov. Joe Frank Harris.

Active in state and national denominational work, Price was elected first vice president of the SBC in 1991 and also has been president of the SBC Pastors' Conference. He was president of the Georgia Baptist Convention from 1982-83 and currently is a board member of The Christian Index, Georgia's state Baptist paper. During his ministry, the church has been one of the top five in the state in Cooperative Program giving.

The Sunday morning worship service at Roswell Street is broadcast nationally on FamilyNet.

Price is a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Mercer University and Hannibal-LaGrange College.

The Mississippi native and his wife, Trudy, have two daughters and four grandchildren.

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