Baptist Press Archive

Friday, January 13, 2012

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  • New national sex-education standards stir controversy

  • 43 arrested while protesting NYC church ban

  • Tebow's 316 yards leads to Internet salvations

  • Babies rescued at Door of Hope in South Africa

  • Pregnancy care centers offer counsel & prayer

  • Crisis pregnancy care digs into her heart

  • Myanmar cease-fire: 'Time will tell'

  • Leaders: Gay 'marriage' threatens rel. liberty

  • SBC DIGEST: GuideStone 2055 Fund; Dead Sea Scrolls; New Hope books via Nook

  • CULTURE DIGEST: States shatter record for abortion restrictions; ...

  • EDITORIAL (Luis R. López): Indigencia

  • Iglesia hispana adopta el Programa Cooperativo

  • AYUDA A HAITÍ: 2 años de cuidado, vidas cambiadas

  • EDITORIAL: Indigencia