Baptist Press Archive

Friday, February 17, 2012

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  • Baptist ethicist on mandate: We'd rather go to jail, pay fines

  • Vanderbilt policy to impact Baptist group

  • SPORTS: Hall of Famer Gary Carter dies

  • Akin: Why I endorsed it & what I disagree with

  • CULTURE DIGEST: NASCAR sponsor is pro-Israel

  • N.J. Gov. Christie vetoes gay 'marriage' bill

  • Uzbek repression spans Baptists to Muslims

  • 'The Vow' book hits No. 1 on NYT list

  • FIRST-PERSON: A mandate by any other name ...

  • EDITORIAL: La Biblia son las cartas de amor del Padre

  • El mundo spiritual cede ante la oración de una pareja

  • La JMN, vía 'Send North America,' envía a favor de la plantación de iglesias

  • COMPENDIO CULTURA: patrocinador de NASCAR es pro-Israel

  • EDITORIAL: La Biblia son las cartas de amor del Padre

  • Apacible y delicado, Quietud