Baptist Press Archive

Wednesday, March 03, 1999

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  • Child care registration opens for Atlanta SBC

  • Y2K ‘very real,’ more effort needed to avert disruptions, Senat

  • SBC leader urges conservatives to reflect Christlike behavior

  • Father of deceased firefighter knows son ‘answered God’s call o

  • Many ‘prophets,’ he reminds, cannot deliver people from sin

  • Draper cites 3 reasons why it’s ‘worth it’ to serve God

  • It takes a Bible to raise a child, Christian school advocate says

  • Women exhorted to seek ‘balance’ when facing ‘100 differe

  • U.S. senators, religious leaders call for reconciliation after impeachment

  • Robert Hammond honored for church recreation achievements

  • Disaster relief workers respond as killer tornadoes hit Arkansas