Baptist Press Archive

Friday, March 20, 2009

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  • Senate panel OKs former abortion rights advocate

  • Ala. town buoyed by family's love

  • 89 new missionaries to go overseas

  • Ministry surpasses 20,000 professions

  • Salvadorans headline music workshop

  • Vt. committee passes 'gay marriage' bill

  • LIFE NEWS: Fetal harvesting in Britain?

  • LIFE NEWS: Pro-life Dems criticize Obama

  • LIFE NEWS: Pope challenges Pelosi

  • LIFE NEWS: County defunds P. Parenthood

  • An invitation to Louisville

  • The AIG hot potato

  • Salvadoreños dirigen un taller de música

  • Preguntas frecuentes acerca de las células madres

  • '¿Qué si? enfoca la Conferencia de Pastores en la Gran Comisión

  • EDITORIAL: ¿Cristianismo casual?