Baptist Press Archive

Friday, April 04, 2008

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  • Intelligent Design foes no match for Stein in 'Expelled'

  • Dembski: 'Expelled' exposes hypocrisy

  • Students: Thumbs up to 'Expelled' preview

  • Final Four: Faith touches the hardwood

  • CULTURE DIGEST: Survey -- Journalists admit liberal leanings, lack exposure to faith

  • Cedarville trustees uphold prof's firing

  • Architecture survey: Unchurched prefer traditional styling for churches outside, in

  • Darwinism: The imperialism of biology?

  • A 'pregnant man'?

  • McDonald's se enlista en programa homesexual

  • Barna: Los evangélicos se divorcian menos

  • EDITORIAL: La Creación es de Dios