Baptist Press Archive

Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • Their Vietnamese fluency lifts villagers in Cambodia

  • Viet toddler's miracle is no Gospel substitute

  • Landmark: N.Y. legalizes 'gay marriage'

  • Obama to gays: we'll write 'another chapter'

  • LIFE DIGEST: Alabama bans abortions after 20 weeks; U.S. House stops 'telemed' funds

  • New to launch June 28

  • SBC DISCUSSION: SBC may be smaller -- and better

  • Resolución de inmigración busca balancear el evangelio

  • Los hispanos celebrant los resultados del Crossover

  • 'Avance Hispano' ofrecido por IMB, NAMB y LifeWay

  • COMPENDIO VIDA: Alabama prohíbe abortos que pueden causar dolor

  • EDITORIAL: Tenemos que oler a oveja como Jesús