Baptist Press Archive

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

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  • Persecution fails to thwart Gospel inroads in Asia

  • Family togetherness uplifts their work in Africa

  • THANKSGIVING: A healthy heart

  • LifeWay completes sale of downtown Nashville campus

  • Study: Thankfulness still priority at Thanksgiving

  • ANALYSIS: God in Thanksgiving proclamations

  • Prosecutor faces pastor's 'provocative question'

  • 'Thank You NYPD,' Staten Island church declares

  • Bible Study: Nov. 29, 2015

  • Con Gloria, el equipo de AD reporta 55 profesiones de fe

  • NAE e Investigación LifeWay definen 'evangélico'

  • Refugiados sirios: balanceando la compasión y la seguridad

  • EDITORIAL: El día de Acción de Gracias