Baptist Press Archive

Friday, November 30, 2012

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  • WEEK OF PRAYER: One man's trash is another's treasure

  • WEEK OF PRAYER: BE His hands, His voice

  • WEEK OF PRAYER: 'I've wondered if there was something else out there'

  • Obama's opposition to lotteries applauded

  • Legal abortion has taken 400 women's lives

  • Family groups rally opposition to U.N. treaty

  • Federal judge upholds Nev. marriage amend.

  • W.Va. Baptists increase CP giving

  • Minn.-Wis. Baptists continue CP pledge

  • CULTURE DIGEST: Swedish regulators push gender-neutral Christmas catalogues

  • MOVIES: What movie would Jesus watch?

  • EDITORIAL: La importancia de lo que no parece importante

  • SEMANA DE ORACIÓN: 'Me he preguntado si hay algo más por ahí'

  • Nueva creyente motivada a través del servicio a otros

  • Decidido un caso 'parte aguas' sobre la libertad religiosa en Canadá

  • COMPENDIO CULTURA: Suecia impulsa catálogos navideños de sexo neutro

  • EDITORIAL: La importancia de lo que no parece importante