Baptist Press Archive

Friday, March 14, 2014

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  • Spring breakers find Jesus 'by surprise' during BeachReach

  • 'Community Day' set to spread nationwide

  • Mother's Day offering approved for Sunrise

  • CP ministry reports now available online

  • Christians beheaded by extremists in Somalia

  • 2nd VIEW: Photographers capture missions, national attention

  • CALL TO PRAYER: Learn from Jesus to pray

  • FIRST-PERSON: 9/11 cross

  • EDITORIAL: Simplemente acércate a ellos

  • Ministerio en medio de los disturbios en Venezuela

  • La diversidad étnica es viable en la iglesia, dice Newbell

  • Se acerca la apertura del museo de la familia Green, sobre la Biblia

  • EDITORIAL: Simplemente acércate a ellos