Baptist Press Archive

Friday, March 28, 2008

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  • Enthusiastic kids expand growing church's outreach

  • Church prays for passion for the lost

  • At Angola prison, pastors see God's hand

  • Arkansas Baptists rally to aid flood victims; Missouri Baptists clarify volunteer needs

  • Ore. sets record for assisted suicides

  • MARRIAGE DIGEST: Howard Dean, DNC chair, reportedly says he backs 'gay marriage'

  • Chopra's 'third' Jesus is a fake

  • The mission of Jesus

  • Un estudio asocia el uso de la marihuana con el cáncer

  • Laico testifica sobre poder de la marihuana

  • 'Vivir juntos' es un riesgo estadístico

  • EDITORIAL: Redes para Un Evangelismo Intencional