Baptist Press Archive

Friday, July 17, 2015

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  • Tenn. Baptist injured in Chattanooga shooting

  • Syrian refugees long for happier Ramadan

  • Planned Parenthood exec. offered help, better way

  • Ruling leads to $26M settlement in NAMB case

  • B&H claims 20 awards from Christian Retailing

  • Duggars' show cancelled, family helps documentary

  • AT THE MOVIES: Change everywhere but at the feet of Jesus

  • Bible Study: July 19, 2015

  • EDITORIAL: Allí estás tú

  • La defensa de Planned Parenthood es infundada, dice CMP

  • GuideStone pierde en mandato de aborto

  • Evangélicos: Las propuestas del Papa probablemente afecten a los pobres

  • Pujols de Todos Estrellas anclado por la fe

  • EDITORIAL: Allí estás tú