Baptist Press Archive

Friday, October 12, 2012

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  • Candidates' abortion divide highlighted at VP debate

  • Next president could decide Roe's future

  • Nobel Prizes take pro-life turn

  • They take food, hope into Delhi's slums

  • Multivitamins, beans make a difference

  • Bags of food go home with hungry kids

  • WORLD HUNGER SUNDAY: Jesus' love compels response

  • A little hunger fund money goes a long way

  • Wanda Lee: What can we do about hunger?

  • Jeff Palmer: Is 100% for hunger better than 20%?

  • ERLC releases party platform voter guide

  • CULTURE DIGEST: Atlanta archdiocese calls for end to Komen support

  • EDITORIAL: Silencio

  • Elecciones 2012: La postura de Obama y Romney sobre el matrimonio homosexual

  • EDITORIAL: ¿Estarán los bautistas del sur a la altura del reto?

  • COMPENDIO CULTURA: Mormones bajan la edad para el servicio de misiones

  • EDITORIAL: Silencio