Baptist Press Archive

Friday, November 16, 2012

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  • As Syria disintegrates in war, Christians give refugees hope

  • Miracles on the border: Syrians encounter Jesus

  • Wounded warrior learns power of forgiveness

  • Mold, flood damage: SBDR training available

  • Q&A: Brian Brown: gay marriage not inevitable

  • La. Baptists mark 200 years of ministry

  • BGAV upholds decision to dismiss church

  • CULTURE DIGEST: 'Abortion Gang' urges repeal of pro-life Hyde Amendment

  • WORLDVIEW: In Mideast, 'harvest time is now'

  • Líderes evangélicos instan a Obama y al Congreso a agilizar la reforma migratoria

  • COMPENDIO CULTURA: Estrella de televisión comparte triunfo de fe