Baptist Press Archive

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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  • Thanksgiving after the storm: Reflections on life & faith

  • Graffiti shines 'light' in Sandy's aftermath

  • New believer energized by service to others

  • 'Good ol' boy' recounts Christ's transformation

  • Study: Selflessness leads to spiritual maturity

  • Church's poverty game raises $30,000 for hunger

  • BIBLE STUDY: Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012

  • WORLDVIEW: A Thanksgiving prayer

  • EDITORIAL: Demos gracias a Dios

  • El huracán Sandy en Acción de Gracias: abundan nuevas reflexiones sobre la vida

  • Probable que el aumento del mormonismo cultural continúe

  • EDITORIAL: Demos Gracias A Dios