Baptist Press Archive

Friday, December 07, 2012

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  • WEEK OF PRAYER: Doctor's Rx for suffering centers on Jesus

  • WEEK OF PRAYER: Lottie Moon 100 years on

  • Landmark: Sup. Court to consider gay marriage

  • NOBTS adds 8 Christian ed. certificates

  • Ga. Baptists increase budget 3.7%, honor White

  • Ark. Baptists' budget to surpass $22M

  • Tufts Univ. reinstates Christian ministry

  • CULTURE DIGEST: Congresswoman to use Hindu text at swearing-in

  • EDITORIAL: El Regalo Eterno

  • SEMANA DE ORACIÓN: La persecución refleja la autenticidad de la fe

  • EDITORIAL: La reforma migratoria no se trata de política

  • Se aplaude la postura de Obama en contra de las loterías

  • EDITORIAL: El Regalo Eterno