Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: pro-life

Found 22 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 1 of 3 total pages.

  • 'Unplanned' inspires pro-life candlelight vigils

  • Pregnancy center saving lives, reaching souls

  • Pro-life banners to greet drivers in 50 cities

  • 'Cemetery' displays collegians' pro-life stance

  • Pro-life Rep. Murphy to exit amid mistress abortion scandal

  • David Daleiden takes pro-life case to Supreme Court

  • 'Life;' campaign saves 676 unborn babies, leaders say

  • 40 Days for Life U.S. tour runs through Nov. 6

  • Pro-life rally held to 'do something' to end abortion

  • N.C. passes 72-hour abortion wait period