Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: 2018 state annual meetings

Found 48 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 1 of 5 total pages.

  • Jon Nelson: from atheist to 1st black Mo. Baptist VP

  • WRAP-UP: Worldwide missions, ministries projected to see gains in CP funding; 18 states boosting SBC portion

  • Dave Ramsey partners with 16 state conventions

  • ADF, state conventions partner on religious liberty

  • BGAV 'Living the Story' at 195th annual meeting

  • Ohio Baptists add a day for family Bible conference

  • NW Baptists debate CP, increase local ministry funds

  • Ariz. So. Baptists climb toward 50/50 CP split

  • Hawaii Baptists get missions training, tweak budget

  • Miss. Baptists allocate CP gifts, elect officers