Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: gateway seminary

Found 45 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 2 of 5 total pages.

  • TRUSTEES: Iorg reports growth and stability at Gateway

  • Chitwood at Gateway: Go wherever God calls

  • FROM THE SEMINARIES: Gateway offers D.Min. for overseas students

  • FROM THE SEMINARIES: David Rathel joins Gateway faculty

  • Iorg to Gateway grads: Engage hurting people

  • Gateway Seminary begins 75th anniversary celebration

  • Gateway to offer all master's degrees online

  • FROM THE SEMINARIES: Convocations at Gateway & SBTS

  • FROM THE SEMINARIES: Gateway hosts first Jonathan Edwards conference; convocations at Southeastern & Midwestern

  • 'Everyday people' need the Gospel, Iorg tells grads