Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: platt

Found 56 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 2 of 6 total pages.

  • David Platt to transition out of IMB presidency

  • Platt: Sharing the Gospel is God's will for believers

  • Lottie Moon offering 4.1% above last year's pace

  • IMB's 2017 entailed 'Give,' 'Send,' 'Celebrate'

  • Platt encourages pastors: 'Engage in SBC ecosystem'

  • Southern Baptist churches send 31 new missionaries

  • Platt apologizes for 'divisive' IMB amicus brief

  • Platt to students: 'Risk your life in faith'

  • Platt livestream cites thanksgiving as IMB's aim

  • Platt: 'Take risks' to spread Gospel