Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: southern baptists

Found 48 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 2 of 5 total pages.

  • Southern Baptists of Texas celebrate 20th anniversary

  • 'Jesus is worth it,' Greear tells W.Va. Baptists

  • Opioid crisis emerges as key W.Va. Baptist ministry

  • Evangelize 91 counties, Kan.-Neb. Baptists urged

  • Along Harvey's path, churches reflect on 1-year mark

  • Factory or horseback, bivocational pastor thrives

  • SBTC messengers encouraged in wake of Harvey, tragedy

  • W.Va. Baptists 'all in,' tackle opioid crisis

  • Tragedy in TX: 26 killed in So. Bapt. church shooting

  • Puerto Rico DR efforts advanced by Texas volunteers