Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: 2012 sbc new orleans

Found 66 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 3 of 7 total pages.

  • NAMB, at SBC, spotlights spiritual need of North America

  • Southwestern report highlights Scrolls

  • WRAP-UP: Historic meeting sees messengers elect 1st black president, approve descriptor

  • At Avanze Hispano, Robert Amaya of 'Courageous' urges 'Live the truth'

  • Hispanics pray for SBC during Pastors' Conf.

  • 19 motions presented at New Orleans SBC

  • Unofficial New Orleans total: 7,868 messengers

  • Uth urges messengers to 'see those around you'

  • Luter, Lino, Miller elected SBC officers