Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: annual meeting

Found 2,220 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 3 of 223 total pages.

  • 2020 SBC Ministers' Wives luncheon registration open

  • Dusty Durbin announced for SBC 2nd VP nomination

  • Childcare registration for SBC annual meeting to open Feb. 1

  • Randy Adams to be nominated for SBC president

  • Floyd urges 'full contingent of messengers' at SBC 2020

  • Henslee to be nominated for Pastors' Conference presidency

  • Feinstein to be nominated for SBC 2VP

  • Mohler: 'I will accept nomination' as SBC president

  • 2020 SBC online hotel registration now open

  • Greear: 'Gospel Above All' SBC theme worth repeating